Career outlook
What can I do with a degree in nutrition and food science?
Students earning a degree in nutrition and food science will be prepared to enter the nutrition or food science profession, dietetics field or positions in a variety of food businesses, research and development.
Our graduates are employed by public health, regulatory agencies (e.g., FDA and USDA) and community agencies, industries relating to food processing, manufacturing, quality control, food safety and security, food service management (industry, schools or hospitals), government and community agencies, health departments and wellness programs, nutrition counseling offices, food businesses and sports nutrition as well as clinical nutrition (hospitals or extended care facilities). The federal government projects a shortage of food science graduates through, at least, the end of the century. Food science comprises many fields including developing new products, quality control, ensuring food safety and many other exciting areas.
Wayne State graduates with a bachelor of arts degree have found employment as supervisors in restaurants, catering operations and with large food companies in the metro Detroit area. Our Bachelor of Science is also an excellent way of fulfilling premedical or predental course requirements. Students interested in working as nutritional practitioners may enroll in our Coordinated Program in Dietetics (receiving a Master of Science). Dietetics graduates are eligible to take the national registry exam of the American Dietetic Association and once credentialed, have found employment in hospitals, health promotion agencies, extended care facilities and in private practice.
Transferable skills
A nutrition and food science degree offers skills in:
- Active listening and learning
- Reading comprehension
- Critical thinking
- Deductive and inductive reasoning
- Written and oral comprehension
- Making decisions and solving problems
- Evaluating information to determine compliance with standards
Careers insights by degree
- Bachelor of Arts in Nutrition and Food Science
- Bachelor of Science in Nutrition and Food Science
- Master of Science in Dietetics
- Master of Arts in Nutrition and Food Science
- Master of Arts in Nutrition and Food Science and Public Health
- Ph.D. in Nutrition and Food Science
Graduate study
This degree also provides a solid foundation for graduate study in:
More career options
Students graduating as nutrition and food science majors have found employment in food manufacturing and processing industries, and in government and community agencies. The federal government projects a shortage of food science graduates through, at least, the end of the century. Food science comprises many fields including developing new products, quality control, ensuring food safety, and many other exciting areas. The bachelor of science track is also an excellent way of fulfilling premedical or predental course requirements.
Students interested in working as nutritional practitioners may enroll in the Coordinated Program in Dietetics. Graduates are eligible to take the national registry exam of the American Dietetic Association and once credentialed, have secured employment in hospitals, health promotion agencies, extended care facilities, and in private practice. Graduates with a B.A. degree have secured employment as supervisors in restaurants, catering operations, and large food companies in the metro Detroit area.