News and announcements
- Professor Ratna Naik selected fellow of the ELATE program of Drexel University
- Pramod Lamichhane awarded Fermilab LHC Physics Center Travel Grant
- Dr. Zhixian Zhou receives tenure and promotion to associate professor
- Grad students awarded best poster at 2013 graduate research event
- Professor Alexey A. Petrov named as task force leader for Charm Quark Task Force
- 2013 Vaden W. Miles Memorial Lecture awards
- Alfredo Gutierrez and Robert L. Thomas receive 2013 Richard J. Barber Faculty/Staff Award
- 2012 physics student awards
- Associate Dean Peter Hoffmann's book included in NBC's Cosmic Log Science booklist
- Sixth Annual WSU Undergraduate Physics Research Conference
- Pramod Lamichhane Ph.D. student wins prestigious visiting scholar award
- Physics Professor Peter Hoffmann part of WSU team that receives NSF grant
- Jet modification in the RHIC and LHC era workshop
- Department of Physics and Astronomy professors part of team that discovered new subatomic particle
- Research Experience for Undergraduates kick-off event
- Girfan Shamsutdinov wins Best Poster Award at American Vacuum Society Symposium
- Physics and Astronomy Professor part of research team making major breakthrough on black holes
- Professor Sergei Voloshin elected member of WSU Academy of Scholars
- Third Annual Grad. Research Day Awardees
- Y.G. Adinya and Kris Healey win prestigious scholarship
- 2012 Vaden W. Miles Memorial Lecture awards
- Bazzi, Devpura, and Nemala award winners at WSU Third Annual Graduate Exhibition
- QuarkNet Master Class, March 10
- Dr. ZhiFeng Huang promoted to associate professor
- Dr. Peter Hoffmann and Dr. Alexey Petrov promoted to professor