Bachelor of Arts in Chemistry
The Bachelor Arts in Chemistry program prepares graduates interested in science-oriented pre-professional programs such as medicine and dentistry, as well as for students entering secondary science teaching. The B.A. program allows students to major with a maximum of forty-six credits in chemistry while providing flexibility for exposure in other cognate fields.
For students interested in entering a graduate program in chemistry or pursuing a position in the chemical industry upon graduation, it is recommended that the additional requirements for professional certification (see ACS Certification section) by the American Chemical Society be completed.
Learn more about our Bachelor Arts in Chemistry with honors program.
Career insights
A degree in chemistry can lead to a variety of career paths. Here are just a few of the many opportunities available in this field.
Career | Median salary |
Biochemists and biophysicists | $93,000 |
Bioengineers and biomedical engineers | $99,000 |
Chemical engineers | $102,000 |
Chemical technicians | $58,000 |
Chemistry teachers, postsecondary | $90,000 |
Chemists | $81,000 |
Clinical research coordinators | $137,000 |
Environmental scientists and specialists, including health | $74,000 |
Food scientists and technologists | $84,000 |
Forensic science technicians | $59,000 |
Geological technicians, except hydrologic technicians | $58,000 |
Materials scientists | $89,000 |
Museum technicians and conservators | $39,000 |
Natural sciences managers | $137,000 |
Secondary school teachers, except special and career/technical education | $69,000 |
Soil and plant scientists | $59,000 |
This data provides a broad overview of how major selection can lead to careers and is provided without any implied promise of employment. Some careers will require further education, skills or competencies. Actual salaries may vary significantly between similar employers and could change by graduation, as could employment opportunities and job titles.
Contact 💬
Erin Bachert, academic services officer