Ways to share your message
Announcements and events
There are several ways to get the word out about your events, stories and announcements. While we can't guarantee your items will run in every one of these outlets, as discretionary measures must also be considered, this list represents the internal communication streams at our disposal.
Hosting an event or conference? Here's what you need:
WSU events calendar
Events.wayne.edu is your first stop when promoting WSU events. Events added to your department's calendar also appear in the event feed on your department's home page.
Events posted to the calendar should have:
- Specific date
- Time
- Location
If you have an event that may be of interest to other CLAS departments, email clas@wayne.edu to have it cross-promoted to other department calendars as well as the main CLAS calendar. Your event must be posted to the calendar before we can share it.
Department news feed
Your department's website is the first place to share your latest news stories and announcements. News stories will appear in the news feed on your home page.
While events may also make good news stories, a news story about an event is different than a news story serving as the event.
What makes a good news story?
- Faculty and students working in the community (urban research)
- Students interning with notable companies and organizations
- Offbeat/unique research
- Timely research
- Awards/grants
- Catching up with alumni
- Answers who, what, when, where, why and how
Learn more about news and spotlight articles.
You can post an article, announcement or news story to your department's site using the "Add/Edit News" link via our new website's CMS.
Social media
Share your news, article, announcement or event via your department's social media channel(s). Be sure to tag us (Facebook/X (Twitter)/Instagram: @WayneStateCLAS) in your post.
If you have a special article or announcement that you'd like us to share through the college social networks, email clas@wayne.edu with the details.
Every Wayne State employee receives this daily e-newsletter. If you have a news story regarding an award, student initiative, etc., send us the link to the article from your department's news feed (you must post it first and proof it for AP style) and we'll share it for review to go out in the Today@Wayne email. Note: The CLAS Marketing will assist with proofing the article for distribution. Be sure to check basic spelling, grammar, working links, etc. before sharing an article to any website.
Here's an example of the April 6, 2016, edition. You can also view the newsletter's site and backlog stories at today.wayne.edu.
Wayne State's homegrown social network and Pipeline successor is a great place to share your announcements, events and stories. You can post an article to the CLAS "stream" as yourself or on behalf of your department. To learn more about using Academica as a department, email clas@wayne.edu.
If you have an announcement that you'd like to share with the entire student body, all university employees, or both, simply send us an email with the details.
You can find our Academica stream here: College of Liberal Arts and Sciences.
Digital signage
Events that have a broader interest across the university may be eligible for a space on campus digital signs. Email web@wayne.edu with the following information below at least two weeks before the date you would like to begin promoting the event.
News shared in Today@Wayne is automatically streamed to the campus digital signs.
- Title for the promotion (action word in title and six words or less)
- Short description (eight words or less)
- Date and time of event if it applies
- Start and end date range you wish to run the promo (two-week maximum range)
- URL or location where a viewer can get additional information (HTML only, no PDF links)
- Contact person's name, email and phone number
- 610 x 337 image (width x height)
Here's a sample of a digital sign in the field. You'll want to make note of the designated areas for the title and description fields for the announcement.
Get involved student newsletter
This weekly e-newsletter is distributed to all students, twice a week. If you have an event or story that is of particular interest to students, email clas@wayne.edu with the details and a link to your event, or news article on your department's website.
Here's an example of the April 3, 2016, edition.
Alumni website
Our university Alumni Association site is a great place to share alumni-specific news and events. If you have an alumni event, email clas@wayne.edu with the details and we'll work with you to get it cross-promoted on the alumni website.
Department newsletters
Annual department email newsletters are a great way to share news and events with alum, students and supporters. our marketing and alumni teams will work with you to develop and distribute your newsletter. To get started or for questions, email clas@wayne.edu.