News and announcements
- Students come out on top in Wayne State community partnership initiative
- The 2021 CLAS Undergrad Research Symposium goes virtual
- Wayne Law student prepares for career in business law
- U.S. News ranks CLAS graduate programs among nation's best
- Associate Professor Kristin Taylor co-authors Newsweek op/ed about COVID vaccine issues
- PS 1010 students surprised Dr. Parrish with messages of appreciation on Zoom
- Detroit COVID-19 Food Delivery program enlists Warriors
- A note of encouragement from Chair Daniel Geller
- Three Political Science Professors Honored at the 2020 Academic Recognition Ceremony
- Professor Brad Roth Creates Two Endowments at Wayne State University
- Kristin Taylor Named Levin Center Research Scholar 2020-2021
- Political Science Grad Ernestine Lyons Works for Detroit and Harper Woods
- Phi Beta Kappa: American Honor Society Political Science Designees 2019-2020
- CLAS offers wide range of social justice courses
- Supreme Court upholds American Indian treaty promises, orders Oklahoma to follow federal law
- WSU establishes new Graduate Certificate in Nonprofit Management
- COVID-19 updates
- Academic advising changes due to COVID-19 recommendations
- Three Political Science professors to be honored at the 2020 Academic Recognition Ceremony
- Reports of the death of congressional oversight are greatly exaggerated
- Indian Country leaders urge Native people to be counted in 2020 Census
- Well, impeachment didn't work - how else can Congress keep President Trump in check?
- Impeachment trial senators swear an oath aimed at guarding 'against malice, falsehood, and evasion'
- Precedent? Nah, the Senate gets to reinvent its rules in every impeachment