WSU Peregrine Falcons ð“…ƒ

Wayne State's Old Main building has been home to a bonded pair of peregrine falcons since 2016. Our Falcon Cam allows researchers and the public alike to monitor these fascinating birds of prey 24 hours a day. Follow for updates on Instagram.

North cam

South cam

Down falcon? ð“…ƒ

If you see a down falcon on the ground, call the Wayne State Police at 313-577-2222. You can also let us know by sending a DM to @WSUFalcons or emailing!

Join the team

WSU researchers need your help to collect data! If you see something interesting (chicks fledging the nest, etc.) near Old Main or on the stream, let us know by using #WSUFalcons, tag us on Instagram @WSUFalcons or email

A bird's eye view

WSU Falcons


Falcon facts

Peregrine Falcons catch medium-sized birds in the air with swift, spectacular dives, called stoops

Peregrine falcon chicks, called eyases, eat an incredible amount of food - in six days, they double their weight, and at three weeks are ten times their size at birth

Peregrine falcons are the fastest animal on earth, sometimes diving 240 miles per hour to catch prey

Peregrine falcons have been known to travel hundreds of miles to find their mates. Once mated, most remain monogamous for life and nest in the same territory for years

Download Peregrine Falcon Facts poster


Falcon Cam conception

With this new video stream, WSU researchers will now be able to collect and share data on the whole brood, year after year. "This camera is going to be our eyes and ears when it comes to keeping tabs on the peregrines," says Michelle Serreyn, a two-time CLAS alumna and lab coordinator in the biology department. "Not only to monitor their behavior but if something happens to one of the chicks, if one of them gets sick, now we'll be able to help." Anyone with an internet connection will be able to watch the birds, day or night, and assist with data collection.

Falcon Cam drawings

Falcon Cam archive