Layouts: Testimonials

Testimonial setups for students and alumni.


Configuration: Place at the bottom of a page.


#Grid with images


  • Place at the bottom of a page.
  • Order:
    • One sentence of the quote (using blockquote styles)
    • Second sentence of the remaining portion of the quote (using italics)
    • Final line should be name, title/standing (if applicable) (using bold)

Canva template: Testimonial People


By allowing me to complete graduate courses while finishing a bachelor's degree, the AGRADE program ultimately facilitated an accelerated path into graduate school.

Whitney Hunt

After earning my doctorate and reflecting back, it is Wayne State's AGRADE program that I credit for exposing me to graduate school as an option.

Whitney Hunt, Ph.D., visiting assistant professor, Colgate University

The AGRADE program provided me with access to graduate-level training that improved my ability to conduct methodologically sound research.

The skills that I acquired during my time as an AGRADE student have led to numerous publications and exciting professional opportunities.

Gerald Nowak III, Ph.D. student, Michigan State University

Gerald Nowak III

#Linear, text only


  • Subject and name (using H2 header)
  • Snippet of text
  • Quote, one to two sentences max (using blockquote styles)
  • Remaining text (using italics)


Linguistics alumnus: Samuel Owen, B.A. 2011

Samuel was admitted to the Master of Science in Information program and was awarded the University of Michigan School of Information Achievement Fellowship. The fellowship covered tuition for the entire program and provided him with a stipend.

From being a signals analyst, pursuing mastery of the Arabic language through immersion in Middle Eastern countries, studying linguistics at Wayne State University (WSU), to teaching English in Saudi Arabia, this circuitous route has recently brought me back to where I started: at the intersection of information and technology.

"Now, as a recently admitted student to the Master of Science in Information program at the University of Michigan School of Information, I am looking forward to continuing this journey en route to becoming a data scientist. I am extremely grateful for my experience studying linguistics at WSU. It is there that I received my first formal exposure to academia. Those linguistics courses were the most challenging that I took during my undergraduate studies and they played a crucial role in developing my analytical and critical thinking skills, as well as stimulating my intellectual curiosity. However, even more influential than the courses themselves were the exemplary faculty members with whom I was and still am very fortunate to be a recipient of their support and mentorship."