Maximizing Access to Research Careers (MARC)

The Maximizing Access to Research Careers (MARC) Program at Wayne State University is a dynamic scholarship program designed to build a cohort of research-oriented students from groups traditionally underrepresented in STEM fields. MARC is designed for students interested in pursuing careers as biomedical scientists and plan to, or are willing to consider, Ph.D. or M.D./Ph.D. programs in the biomedical sciences after graduation.

MARC Program

The MARC scholarship program is for students in their junior and senior years year at WSU. MARC scholars receive a full-tuition scholarship and receive a stipend for their participation in research. In addition to the paid year-round laboratory research experience, scholars will be part of the MARC learning community focused on student success, discussion of issues related to biomedical research careers and professional development. Scholars will also receive no-cost enrollment in a responsible conduct of research course.

Pre-MARC Program

The goal of the pre-MARC Program is to introduce students to research careers. The pre-MARC Program is for students in their sophomore year at WSU. Students selected for the pre-MARC Program will participate in the MARC learning community and will receive no-cost enrollment in an Introduction to Research Practice course. Participation in the pre-MARC Program is not a requirement for application to the MARC Program but is strongly encouraged.

Find your MARC mentor

Pre-MARC and MARC scholar program eligibility

  • U.S. citizens or permanent residents enrolled at WSU
  • GPA of at least 3.2
  • A member of a group traditionally underrepresented in STEM: African American, Hispanic American, Native American, Native of Pacific Islands, disabled or from a disadvantaged background
  • Having one of the following declared majors: biochemistry and chemical biology, biology, biomedical engineering, biomedical physics, chemical engineering, chemistry, environmental science/geology, neuroscience, nutrition and food science, math, public health, psychology
  • Goal of attending graduate or combined graduate/professional school in the biomedical sciences (for example, Ph.D. or M.D./Ph.D. programs)
  • Strong commitment to succeed at WSU and to uphold the goals of the MARC Program
