Meet Dr. Sean Gavin, interim chair of the Department of Physics and Astronomy

Dr. Sean Gavin, originally from Long Island, New York, has recently taken over as interim chair of the Department of Physics and Astronomy at Wayne State University. With a long and distinguished career, Dr. Gavin completed his Bachelor of Science in Physics at Stony Brook University before pursuing a Ph.D. at the University of Illinois, which he earned in 1987.

After graduation, he spent eight years working at Brookhaven National Laboratory. In October 1998, he joined Wayne State University and has been a valued member of the faculty ever since.

Dr. Sean Gavin
Dr. Sean Gavin

In 2018, Dr. Gavin took on the role of associate chair of the Department of Physics and Astronomy, a position he held until this fall when he transitioned into his current role as interim chair. Despite his administrative responsibilities, Dr. Gavin has continued to teach courses in nuclear, thermal, and fluid physics. His dedication to teaching and his ability to balance academic leadership with his passion for physics has earned him the respect of colleagues and students alike.

Dr. Ed Cackett, the department’s former chair, praised Dr. Gavin’s tenure as associate chair, stating, “Sean served as an exemplary associate chair and has a deep knowledge and understanding of everything going on in the department. His dedication to students and their success is second to none. Under his leadership, I am sure the department will continue to go from strength to strength.”

The department has expressed excitement and confidence in Dr. Gavin’s new leadership role, anticipating that his experience and vision will help guide the department forward.

Reflecting on his path to Wayne State, Dr. Gavin shared a lighthearted memory from his days at Brookhaven, where he first crossed paths with Dr. Claude Pruneau, a current colleague. “We both had ‘90s Camaros at the time, his blue and mine brick red. I ran into him in the parking lot one day, and he told me they might have an opening at Wayne State. He was the one who told me when I got the job.” The connection proved fruitful, and since then, the nuclear physics group at Wayne State has thrived, continuing collaborations with both Brookhaven and CERN.

When asked about the difference between his previous role as associate chair and his current role as chair, Dr. Gavin likened the roles to those of a ship’s first mate and captain. As associate chair, he focused on internal matters such as the needs of graduate students, teaching assignments, and class scheduling—tasks essential to keeping the department running smoothly. Now, as chair, his role is more outward-facing, involving communication with the broader university and guiding the department’s future direction. "The chair looks for opportunities and directs the department’s growth," he explained. "It’s like the captain saying, ‘the buried treasure is over there!’”

What excites Dr. Gavin most about his new position is the opportunity to help his colleagues and students succeed on a larger scale. “I want to help my colleagues succeed, from the undergraduates to the graduate students to the professors. I want them all to do well. That’s what I was doing as associate chair, but now the scope and stakes are bigger.” He acknowledges the challenges ahead, particularly the development of a new strategic plan for the department, but remains focused on fostering a collaborative and dynamic environment. His primary goal is to preserve and enhance the vibrant interactions within the department, encouraging both faculty and students to engage more actively in research and scientific dialogue.

In addition to his vision for the future, Dr. Gavin is enthusiastic about recent developments within the department. He expressed particular excitement over Dr. Zhi-Feng Huang’s recognition as a fellow of the American Physical Society, recalling how thrilled he was when Dr. Huang first joined the department. Reflecting on the department’s growth, Dr. Gavin shared, “I was looking through an old stack of newsletters recently, and it was fun seeing pictures of everyone when they got here. I’m excited to see how we continue to grow as a department.”

As Dr. Gavin steps into his new role, his leadership promises a blend of continuity and innovation, with a steadfast commitment to the success of his colleagues and students alike.

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