Establishment of endowed physics scholarships
We are extremely happy to inform you about the establishment of two new physics endowed scholarships. These endowed scholarships have been made possible from the generous and kind support of many donors.
Professors Henry Bohm and Melbourne Stewart Endowed Undergraduate Scholarship in the Department of Physics and Astronomy.
Full-time and part-time undergraduate students majoring in Physics and/or Astronomy are eligible to apply. The Bohm-Stewart scholarship will be offered next year for the first time.
Robert L. and Sandra E. Thomas Endowed Scholarship in Physics or Chinese Studies in the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences.
Full-time and part-time undergraduate or graduate students majoring in Physics or Chinese Studies will be given preference.
The first physics recipient of the Robert and Sandra Thomas Scholarship is Ms. Mary Hooker, a physics major in our department! She will be presented with a certificate tomorrow at the beginning of our physics colloquium talk. Dean Thomas will be presenting the certificate to her. Please join us tomorrow to congratulate her.