Graduate Teaching Assistantship Policy
The graduate teaching assistantship (GTA) provides a stipend and a waiver of ten graduate credits per semester during the academic year (fall and winter semesters). For this reason, it should be considered an award and not simply a job. It's intended to support a student's progress toward completing a master's and/or doctoral degree in a timely fashion.
Master's degree
Students supported by a graduate teaching assistantship should complete their coursework and take their exams by the end of their fourth semester of support. If a student does not finish within this timeframe, they risk losing the support of the graduate teaching assistantship.
Doctoral degree
Students supported by a graduate teaching assistantship should complete coursework and take their qualifying exams by the end of their fourth semester of support, complete the prospectus by the end of their fifth semester of support and complete and defend the dissertation by the end of their eighth semester of support. If a student does not finish within this timeframe, they risk losing the support of the GTA.
Students can be awarded a graduate teaching assistantship for up to five years of support, where continuation depends on progress toward the degree, teaching performance and maintaining a 3.0 GPA. If a student loses their assistantship by failing to meet any of these criteria, they may reapply in the future. Assistantships will be awarded in such a way as to give priority to students making proper progress toward degree completion, determined according to the criteria below.
What is progress toward degree completion?
Master's program
GTAs should take, on average, three graduate courses per semester to be able to complete a master's degree within a two-year timeframe. Three graduate courses per semester or six courses per academic year is the regular course load for graduate teaching assistants across the U.S. university system. All masters-level GTAs should take their M.A. exams by the end of their fourth semester of support to remain in good standing.
- Students in Plan A must take at least 24 credits of graduate coursework plus eight thesis credits. Students are advised to take five to six courses (15-18 credits) during their first year of funding, two to three courses (six to nine credits) and eight thesis credits during their second year of funding.
- Students in Plan B must take at least 29 credits of graduate coursework plus three essay credits. Students are advised to take six graduate courses (18 credits) during their first year of funding, four graduate courses (12 credits) and three essay credits during their second year of funding.
- Students in Plan C must take at least 32 credits of graduate coursework. Students are advised to take five to six graduate courses per academic year.
Ph.D. program
In order to demonstrate adequate progress towards the degree and continue to be considered for GTA, Ph.D. students should complete coursework and take their qualifying exams by the end of the fourth semester of support, complete the prospectus by the end of the fifth semester of support and complete and defend the dissertation by the end of the eighth semester of support.
Ph.D. candidates:
- Must take at least 28 credits of coursework beyond the master's degree. Students are advised to take six courses (18 credits) in their first year of support and four courses (12 credits) in their second year of support, at the end of which students should take their qualifying exams.
- Are advised to have a draft of the prospectus complete by the end of their fifth semester in the Ph.D. program, or they risk losing their GTA.
- Are advised to take seven to eight dissertation credits per semester after passing their qualifying exams and to complete the dissertation within two years (four semesters) or they risk losing their GTA.
Important: The 5000-level language practicum does not count toward the graduate credits required for the degree or for GTA eligibility.
Important: All GTAs must take an absolute minimum of two graduate-level courses or six graduate credits per semester. Otherwise, they'll lose their GTA.
This requirement is stipulated by the graduate school, which reads: "Graduate student appointees must be in good academic standing, i.e., have a minimum 3.0 honor point average or its equivalent. The graduate assistant must be enrolled for at least six graduate credits each per fall and winter semester appointments."
Non-discrimination policy
Wayne State University is committed to a policy of non-discrimination and equal opportunity in its operations, employment opportunities, educational programs and related activities. Consistent with university policies, the Department of Classical and Modern Languages, Literatures and Cultures shall not discriminate or harass based on race, color, veteran status, height, weight, ethnicity, religion, creed, political affiliation, political beliefs, membership in any social or political organization, national origin, ancestry, marital or parental status, age, gender, gender identity or expression, pregnancy, sexual orientation, disability or HIV status, of those capable of performing their professional duties. The preceding list is illustrative but not exhaustive. Nothing in this section shall be construed to prohibit the application of bona fide occupational qualifications as may be appropriate or from taking such measures as may be permissible by law, to protect the health and safety of the university community.