Getting to know academic advisor Tonal Simmons

Tonal Simmons smiling with glassesJust a little bit about myself. I grew up in Kalamazoo with four brothers. I started learning Spanish at a very young age and I have fallen in love with it since. If I could learn every language in the world I would, but for now, I will stick to teaching myself Portuguese. I recently moved to the Detroit area and I am looking forward to getting involved in the community here in the City of Detroit as well as at Wayne.


B.A. in Spanish and a specialization in Chicano/Latino Studies at Michigan State University; M.A. in higher education and student affairs, Eastern Michigan University.

What is your role as an academic advisor?

My role as an advisor is two-fold. On one hand, I assist students on their path towards graduation and ensure that each student is being aware of different resources that can allow them to flourish here at Wayne and beyond such as internship, job, volunteer and study abroad opportunities. On the other hand, I strive to get to know my advisees, their passions, and what they want to be when they grow up. Then I show them how their degree in CMLLC and experience can help prepare them for that opportunity.

How would you describe yourself?

I would describe myself as a fun-loving person who enjoys being around friends and family, but also really enjoys lounging around and binge-watching Netflix. In addition, I am also very passionate about social justice issues and access to education. I believe that having a good sense of humor and positive attitude can get you far in life.

What are some of your hobbies?

Traveling, traveling and more traveling! Ha, but no I really enjoy exploring new places whether that is a new country or a new city. I also enjoy meeting new people and spending time in the sun.

What do you like best about working at Wayne State?

Where do I start? Even in the short amount of time that I have been here I have felt very welcomed by everyone which has helped with my move to Detroit. Outside of that, I have always wanted to work at Wayne and to be a part of its diverse campus. I also enjoy the ample opportunity that I have to become more involved on campus and to help students excel here at Wayne State and beyond.

What's your favorite...

Book? Between my graduate program and little sleep, I haven't read much outside of that, to be honest. One book that I did read recently was called The Shack by William P. Young and it was amazing.
Movie? Hard to pick just one. I am more of a sitcom lady and I love The Walking Dead!!
Music/Band? Anything that has an upbeat tempo with good lyrics. Island music is amazing and so relaxing.

Where is the best place you've traveled to and why?

It would have to be my study abroad trip to Quito, Ecuador. It was about 20 of us undergrad students who went. We had excursions up mountains, through the rain forest and on the coast. I went bungee jumping, rode horses and swam in the Amazon river. This short trip of two months allowed me to grow so much as a Spanish speaker and as a person.

What advice can you give your students in order to succeed both in college and in life?

Don't be afraid to fail or try something new. It is usually within these moments of struggle that we figure out what it is that we do and don't actually like to do. So, while in college explore, travel, be involved and make the most of your connections. Four years will go by quickly if you aren't careful! My motto is you have to think twice about an opportunity then you should probably take it. Life has a weird way of going in a direction that you never thought you'd be but embrace it. Embrace life. Embrace change. In the words of Tupac Shakur "Reality is wrong. Dreams are for real."

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