Call for papers: 11th Annual Graduate Student Conference

Beyond the Mind's Eye: Histories, Realities, Imagination

Conference Date: Saturday, April 6, 2013
Submission Deadline for Abstracts: Friday, January 4, 2013

From Freudian psychoanalysis to Deleuze and Guattari's schizoanalysis, from Greek and Roman tragedy to neuroimaging, one of the driving preoccupations of science and art has been the relationship between the exterior world and the inner reaches of the human mind. When delving beyond the realm of the material into the (un) conscious, what is at stake? What is the difference between vision and perception? How does the perception of personal realities shape our awareness of social, political and cultural histories? Do we imagine our own reality and what we hold to be true? What role does language play in the articulation of our realities? In what ways is history merely a concept of our minds and not a globally accepted truth? Can imagination serve as a scaffold that links our histories and realities?

Abstracts for 20-minute papers are welcome. Topics include but are not limited to:

  • The un/conscious - trauma - mourning - melancholy - the spectral/hauntings
  • Political/postcolonial unconscious - politics, memory - madness, revolution
  • Dystopian selves - frontiers of the human - language, grammar, discourse
  • Decay, decadence - the Imaginary, Imagination - guilt, responsibility, society
  • Collective memory - the gendered self, constructions of gender and ethnicity
  • Surrealism, reality, hyperreality - mind & body - constructions of identity
  • Film and new media - visual arts - dreams, myths - multiple selves

Submission criteria

  1. Abstracts and papers must be in English.
  2. Abstracts must not exceed 200 words.
  3. Abstracts must include the following information: name of presenter, academic affiliation, mailing address, e-mail address, title of the paper.
  4. Presentation time limit 20 minutes (eight-page maximum).

For further information, contact Michael Anderson ( or Julie Koehler (

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