Meet 2021-2024 peer mentor: Grey Snyder

What are your major and minor?

I am a public health major and a GSW minor.

Do you belong to any student organizations?

I co-founded and organize the Leftist Queer Collective on campus. I also work with Students for Reproductive Justice and the Young Communist League.

What is one goal you have as a GSW student at Wayne State?

I want to be able to apply what I’ve learned in GSW to every aspect of my life and career, including my public health major, my student organizing and my personal life and relationships.

Why did you become a peer mentor for GSW?

With being a peer mentor, I saw an opportunity to make a difference in the lives of LGBTQ students like me on campus, both on an individual level and on a community level – that is, helping LGBTQ students find each other and form meaningful connections that make campus safer for everyone.

If you could have lunch with anyone, who would it be and why?

I continue to be inspired by the late Leslie Feinberg. Hir writing changed my life in so many ways–changing my perspective on gender and the world, motivating my activism and connecting the dots of my own identity. Most importantly, though, ze showed me that people just like me exist and that I’m never alone. I would love to talk about just about anything with hir, but I’d also like to thank hir for everything ze’s done for me and for the queer community at large.

What is one joy or ritual you practice to help you through difficult times?

Spending time with my friends and chosen family has been and continues to be essential to me getting through hard times in my life.