Associate deans
Associate dean for undergraduate studies
Areas of responsibility
- Academic staff ESS promotions and selective salary processes
- Accelerated programs (with AD for research and graduate studies)
- Accreditation and academic program review (with associate deans)
- CLAS college group requirements
- First-year programs – learning communities
- General education requirements
- Internal awards (CLAS teaching and Academy of Scholars)
- Med-Direct program – selection of applicants (with Honors College and School of Medicine)
- Student diversity, equity and inclusion
- Student scholarships
- Student success for undergrad (grade appeals, student conduct, other services)
- Transfer, articulation and pathway agreements
- Undergraduate:
- Academic advising
- Assessment (with AD for research and graduate studies)
- Course enrollments (with AD for research and graduate studies and associate director of student services)
- Curriculum development
- Research (with AD for research and graduate studies)
- Student recruitment
- Student retention
Associate dean for faculty affairs and personnel
Areas of responsibility
- Adjunct and emeritus position requests
- Chair and director searches
- Contracts and bargaining agreements
- Course enrollments
- Faculty:
- Development and mentoring
- Diversity and inclusion
- Mentoring
- Part-time hiring
- Promotion and tenure
- Salary processes
- Searches and hiring (with AD for research)
- Renewals and retention
- Flexible work arrangements and modified duties
- Humanities Commons
- Internal awards (Humanities Center)
- Liaison to C&IT (Computer & Information Technology)
- Liaison to centers and programs
- Mentoring
- Museum development
- Negotiations
- Policies and bylaws
- Retirement and phased retirement
- Sabbaticals and leaves
- Space:
- Allocations and renovations for offices and common areas
- Strategic planning (with FP&M) for offices and common areas
- Strategic planning
Associate dean for research and graduate studies
Areas of responsibility
- Accelerated programs (with AD for undergraduate studies)
- CLAS graduate programs/CLAS master's office
- Graduate assessment (with AD for undergraduate studies)
- Graduate enrollments (with AD for undergraduate studies)
- Graduate faculty appointments
- Graduate students:
- Diversity and inclusion
- Funding
- Graduate assistantships (GTA, GSA, GRA)
- Recruitment
- Retention
- Student success (grade appeals, student conduct, other services)
- Teacher training
- Internal research awards (Graduate School, OVPR, provost)
- Liaison to Graduate School
- Liaison to OEHS – Office of Environmental Health & Safety
- Liaison to OVPR (Office of the Vice-President for Research)
- Portal to the community (with Michigan Science Center)
- Post-doc affairs
- Research support:
- Aspects of promotion and tenure (with AD for faculty affairs)
- Award management (pre and post; with OVPR)
- CLAS Science Stores
- Extramural grant capture
- Grant writing workshops for faculty
- Procuring research matching (with OVPR/Office of Provost)
- Publication subventions
- Startup discussions STEM hires (with AD for faculty affairs)
- Undergraduate research development
- Safety issues – Chemistry Safety Committee
- Space:
- Allocations and renovations for labs only
- Strategic planning (with FP&M) for labs only
- Student recruitment:
- College committee
- International efforts (with Office of Global Engagement)
- Focus groups(with Office of Provost)
- Student service fee allocations
- Special programs – one-time funds, infrastructure development