Learning outcome summary 2020/2021
CSD assessment results
CSD Assessment Committee members: Derek Daniels, Mary Kassa, Tausha Moore, Karen O'Leary, Thomas Simpson, and Aaron Hardy-Smith (chair until Jan. 2021). Margaret Greenwald acted as temporary chair from Jan. to June 2021.
Learning outcomes (LO) for the B.A. in CSD
LO 3: The student will be able to describe and evaluate the effects of language and culture on normal and disordered communication skills.
Assessment method: Review of scores from the SLP 6460 (Language and Phonological Disorders) Self-Assessment Questionnaire (pre and post-test scores).
Results: LO met. All students evaluated met the learning outcome. (Compiled by Aaron Hardy-Smith).
LO 7: Apply knowledge from CSD coursework to the clinical process for clinical cases.
Assessment method: (This was a new learning outcome and assessment method this year.) Review of problem-based learning project from SLP 5360-Clinical Practicum in Speech-Language Pathology-UG.
Results: LO met. The results from the projects indicated that 100% of the student's projects were at the developed level and demonstrated a mastery level of skills 85-95% of the time (with a range of 87-98%). Acceptable performance was met for this assessment. (Compiled by Tausha Moore).
Learning outcomes for the Au.D.
LO1: Demonstrate academic skills (including computer, research and study skills) in the areas of hearing and diagnostics appropriate for clinical experience.
Assessment method: Data will be collected from the written exam which is administered by audiology faculty at the end of the student's program. The exam scores of all students in the graduating class will be collected and evaluated by the audiology faculty members.
Results: LO met. 7/7 students met the criterion of 75% or better on the examination. (Compiled by Thomas Simpson).
LO2: Describe and evaluate the effects of language and culture on normal and hearing impaired.
Assessment method: Each student researched an assigned cultural group and presented information that described the effects of culture and linguistic diversity on hearing communication.
Results: LO met. Nine students completed this assignment in the fall of 2020, and 100% of students passed. The criterion set was met. (Compiled by Mary Kassa).
Learning outcomes for the M.A. in SLP
LO1: Demonstrate academic skills in the areas of Communication Sciences and Disorders appropriate for clinical experience.
Assessment: Results on the departmental exam given to second-year students in winter 2019 semester.
Results: LO not met. The exam scores for 2020-21 ranged from 61.6% to 93.6%, which is a wider margin from 2019-20, where the scores ranged from 71% to 92%. However, the exam was administered through the Canvas online system this year as a result of in-person class meetings being suspended due to the COVID-19 pandemic. This exam format for 2021 was different from previous years, where the exam was administered in person. The student who received a 61.6% did so as a result of not completing the online timed exam; this score, therefore, is considered to be an outlier. If the outlier is removed, then the 2020-21 scores would range from 71.2% to 93.6%, which is very similar to the 2019-20 results. When the student who received the 61.6% score remediated the exam, the final score fell within the 71.2% to 93.6% range. For 2020-21, seven students scored below 80%, which is the same as the 2019-20 results, where seven students scored below 80%. Eighty-one percent (81%) of students for 2020-21 scored 80% or higher (similar to 2019-20 where 80.5% scored 80% or higher), and met the criterion stated for the learning outcome. The results failed to meet the targeted level of performance. (Compiled by Derek Daniels).
LO2: Possess foundation for diagnosis and treatment for basic human communication and swallowing processes.
Assessment method: Review of CALIPSO Clinical Performance Cumulative Forms from the graduating class of M.A. students. All M.A. Speech-Language Pathology students are rated on knowledge and skills each semester through a web-based program called CALIPSO. Students must achieve a minimum rating of "3" (present) to meet national certification standards (1-4 scale). This rating system is used by over 100 graduate-level Speech Pathology Programs nationally.
Results: LO met. All of the students achieved a rating of 4. (Compiled by Karen O'Leary).
LO 1: Students will read, analyze, and synthesize current scholarly publications in their major content area, and synthesize their findings in a written presentation.
Assessment method: Part 1: Small research project and paper. This portion of the exam is intended to test the student's in-depth knowledge of a subject area, and his or her ability to plan and conduct a small research project and communicate the results to a professional audience. The student must demonstrate both the initiative and the ability to see a research project through from design to write-up, with some guidance. Criteria for the exam grade will include but not necessarily be limited to clarity and overall quality of each presentation, understanding of the topic area, knowledge of research in the area and ability to synthesize knowledge from a variety of areas.
Grading: High pass, pass or fail.
Assessment 2: Dissertation grading: pass or fail.
Results: LO met. During the 2020-21 academic year, eight Ph.D. students were enrolled. Of these, one student was evaluated for the pre-candidacy research project; this student passed. One student was evaluated for the dissertation prospectus; this student passed. One student was evaluated for the dissertation; this student passed. Two students are currently working on their dissertation prospectus, and four students are currently working on dissertation research. (Compiled by Derek Daniels).