Clinical programs

Wayne State University's clinical entry-level programs in audiology and speech-language pathology provide student clinicians with training opportunities in the department's own clinics and in a wide variety of placements throughout the Detroit Metro area, including the possibility of placements out-of-state and in Canada.

Clinical training begins in the first semester of both programs and is a component of the required coursework every semester. Students in both audiology and speech-language pathology are placed in a full-time clinical externship during the final phase of their training. In this final, full-time placement students are encouraged to explore an area of interest that they would likely pursue as a future career.

Clinical entry-level

Complaints related to standards for accreditation

A complaint related to accreditation standards for the M.A. and Au.D. programs may be submitted to the Council on Academic Accreditation (CAA) by any student, instructional staff member, speech-language pathologist, audiologist, and/or member of the public.

For complete information on how to submit a standards-related complaint to the CAA, see Section XIII of the CAA Accreditation Manual .

Non-discrimination policy

Wayne State University (WSU) is committed to a policy of non-discrimination and equal opportunity in all of its operations, employment status, educational programs and related activities. As part of WSU, the Department of Communication Sciences and Disorders adheres to this same policy for faculty and students as well as for clients of the department's clinics. Students, faculty, staff and persons served in the department's clinics are treated in a nondiscriminatory mannerthat is, without regard to race, color, religion, sex, national or ethnic origin, disability, age, sexual orientation, genetic information, citizenship or status as a covered veteran.