Tom Killion

Tom Killion, anthropological archaeologist

Dr. Killion is an anthropological archaeologist with a focus on the organization and development of complex societies in the tropical lowlands of Mexico and Central America. His main interests lie in the evolution of ancient agriculture, urbanism and warfare in those contexts.

He has published in the Journal of Field Archaeology, Latin American Antiquity, the Journal of Anthropological Research, and Current Anthropology among other venues. Killion has conducted research in the U.S., Mexico, Guatemala, Belize and Peru on projects supported by the National Science Foundation, The Wenner-Gren Foundation for Anthropological Research, the United States Agency for International Development and the National Geographic Society among others.

Killion’s latest publication “NonAgricultural Cultivation and Social Complexity: The Olmec, their Ancestors, and Mexico’s Southern Gulf Coast Lowlands” came out in Current Anthropology in October 2013.