Wayne State hosted international archaeology workshop

From August 3-7 Wayne State hosted an international workshop, 'Archaeologies of the Present: Critical Engagements with Post-industrial Urban Transformations'. It was sponsored by the Wenner-Gren Foundation for Anthropological Research, and co-organized by Dr. Krysta Ryzewski, Department of Anthropology at Wayne State and Dr. Laura McAtackney, School of Social Justice at University College Dublin. The workshop was held between August 3-7 on Wayne State's campus and at other sites around Detroit.

Although workshop attendance is limited to invited participants, those interested in contemporary archaeology are welcome to become involved in the conversations on Twitter. We will be live tweeting some of the papers and site visits, which revolve around three sub-themes: creative engagements on Monday, ruination on Tuesday, and social and political mobilization on Wednesday. Twitter: @UnearthDetroit w/ tag #archpres14 .

Additional information is available at http://detroitarchaeology.wordpress.com/archaeologies-of-the-present-workshop-august-2014/ .

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