Dr. Setzer Assisting Local Government with Desecrated Human Remains

Teddi Setzer has been asked to assist the City of Pontiac with desecrated human remains in the Oak Hill Cemetery. Approval has been granted by the City of Pontiac (in association with the Oakland County Sheriff's Department) in the form of a signed Assumption of Risk, Waiver and Release for Wayne State University.

The Oak Hill Cemetery is listed on the state and national registers of historic places, and her professional services have been requested to assist with the handling of desecrated human remains from some of the initial founders of the City of Pontiac (dating to the 1800s). She is needed to remove and process the human skeletal material of multiple individuals from a vandalized family mausoleum, so repairs can be made and the individuals can be reinterred. I am collecting the remains and associated artifacts. This includes inventorying the skeletal elements, separating commingled remains into their individual entities so they may be reinterred appropriately, and documenting the damage.

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