Associate Professor Tom Killion Appointed Interim Chair

In case you haven't heard Assoc. Professor Tom Killion has taken up the Chair of the Anthropology Department beginning Winter semester 2012. Dr. Killion follows Andrea Sankar who led the department with distinction from 2007-2011 and will be on a well deserved sabbatical thru the summer of 2012. Dr. Sankar's leadership of the department saw significant improvement in the Department's National Research Council ranking and the successful recruitment of several new anthropology faculty members. Dr. Killion, interim chair through 2013, served previously as Anthropology department chair from 2001 through 2006. From 2007 thru 2011 Killion was Anthropology's undergraduate advisor and focused on building undergraduate enrollment and establishing the Anthropology Learning Community for undergraduate majors. Killion's focus as interim chair going forward will be to continue to develop research opportunities for undergraduate majors outside of the class room, to strengthen the Department's involvement in community-based public anthropology in the Detroit metropolitan area, and to further enhance recruitment and graduate student opportunities for study in the four subfields and departmental specializations in business, medical and museum anthropology. Come by and visit with Dr. Killion and other anthropology faculty and staff on the 3rd floor of FAB at your earliest opportunity!

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