Commitment to diversity and inclusion

The Department of Psychology is committed to promoting diversity and inclusion in our student body, faculty and staff group and the community we serve.

Diversity-related resources at Wayne State University

Diversity-related resources in psychology

"Understanding and appreciating diversity goes beyond a consideration of gender and ethnicity to include issues such as sexual orientation, culture, socioeconomic background, and disability status." American Psychological Association

Department of Psychology Diversity Committee

Faculty co-chairs

Graduate student co-chair

Mentoring Undergraduate Students towards Excellence (MUSE) Program

The MUSE program matches graduate students in the psychology department with undergraduate students who may be:

  • Typically underrepresented (members of minority groups)
  • First-generation college students
  • Unsure about how to navigate graduate school applications

The graduate mentors help the undergraduates by assisting them in finding research labs and encouraging them to participate in undergraduate research opportunities (both in the department and in the wider university community). If needed, graduate mentors might also help the undergraduates in the MUSE program who have significant personal needs (homelessness, lack of food, etc.) by connecting them to CAPS, the W Food Pantry, and other university-provided services. The graduate mentor helps the undergraduate navigate through the graduate school application process with important advice about the GRE and the application and interviewing process.

Graduate mentors and students meet weekly either in person, via email, or phone. Mentors are assigned to students each fall. If you are interested in becoming a graduate mentor, or if you are an undergraduate who feels you would benefit from being a member of the MUSE program, please contact