About us

Wayne State University's philosophy department boasts a distinguished and ongoing tradition of pursuing philosophy in a lively and constructive fashion. Our mission is to offer training in all major areas of philosophy in the analytic tradition for both undergraduate and graduate students. We offer several service courses for other university departments and the university's general education requirements.

Our philosophy faculty have been trained at some of the leading universities in the United States. The department's strength is its distinctive approach and vision, centering on the fundamental areas in analytic philosophy. Within that tradition, we offer courses in epistemology, metaphysics, ethics, the history of philosophy, logic, the philosophy of mind, the philosophy of language, the philosophy of science, the philosophy of art and the philosophy of law.

The Department of Philosophy offers courses of study leading to a Bachelor of Arts with a major or Minor in Philosophy or to a Master of Arts or Ph.D. degree at the graduate level. The size of our program (eleven faculty and roughly twenty-five graduate students) allows for considerable faculty-student interaction.

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5057 Woodward Ave, Suite 12201.2
Detroit, Michigan 48202

313-577-2077 (fax)