News and announcements
- Fulbright awarded to linguistics M.A. student
- CLAS students win Garrett T. Heberlein Excellence in Teaching Award for Graduate Students
- Physics professor interviewed on WDET's Craig Fahle Show
- Wayne State research group awarded $60,000 National Endowment for the Humanities Digital Humanities Start-up Grant for digital storytelling project
- Sociology student wins Garrett T. Heberlein Excellence in Teaching Award for Graduate Students
- Physics professor Ed Cackett receives NSF Career Award
- Congratulations to the CLAS faculty members who have received a 2013 CLAS Teaching Award!
- Confucius Institute celebrates its first five years
- Professor Paul Karchin has been elected as a member of the Wayne State Academy of Scholars
- Wayne State's SEED Wayne program receives Ford College Community Challenge Award
- Center for Peace and Conflict Studies director discusses terror threats abroad and impact on travel
- Richard J. Barber Summer Research Program
- Physics department welcomes undergraduates from around the country for physics research experience
- SEED Wayne director writes an article about the Wayne State Farmers Market in community newspaper
- Professor Peter Hoffmann was a featured presenter at the World Science Festival in New York
- Physics professor Peter Hoffmann's book shortlisted for the Royal Society Winton Prize
- Howard Lupovitch to serve as new Cohn-Haddow director
- CLAS graduate was the keynote speaker at 2013 Commencement
- CLAS faculty and staff receive Wayne State academic recognition awards
- UrbanDisruption@Wayne symposium
- Dr. Wen Li was a 2012 recipient of a Presidential Early Career Award for Scientists and Engineers
- Associate Dean Peter Hoffmann's book included in NBC's Cosmic Log Science booklist
- Two Chemistry professors named AAAS Fellows
- Chemistry professor's research on brain chemical analysis featured in Analytical Chemistry journal
- Physics Professor Peter Hoffmann part of WSU team that receives NSF grant