Department of History 2019 history graduate degree recipients

The Department of History celebrates our 2019 graduate students on their academic achievements.

Master of Arts in History

Ciera Casteel
Ciera Casteel

Ciera Casteel, defended her M.A. essay, "Bodies of Power: A History of Marital Rape Law and Married Women's Bodies in the United States," on Apr. 25.

Allie Penn and Professor Marsha Richmond
Professor Marsha Richmond and Allie Penn.

Now soon-to-be Ph.D.) student, Alexandrea Penn, defended her M.A. essay, "The Best Kept Secret in Medicine: Laura Mabel Davis, A Nurse Anesthetist," on Apr. 25.

Soon-to-be Ph.D. student, Sean O'Brien, defended his M.A. thesis, "Revisiting Comics History: Creative Labor and Capitalism." (Advisor: Elizabeth Faue; Second Reader: Elizabeth Lublin).

Master of Arts in Public History (MAPH)

Nathaniel Arndts completed his M.A.P.H. degree requirements by finishing his project, "On the Banks of the Kalamazoo: Creating Virtual Exhibits with Local Archive" (Advisor Tracy Neumann, second reader Kim Schroeder) on Aug. 26. Nathaniel is the second student to complete a dual MLIS-MAPH.

Laura Kennedy, completed her master's project essay, "Using Storymap JS and Timeline JS to Create Digital Public History," on Apr. 22.

Ph.D. in History

Ph.D. candidate, Samuel Hogsette, defended his dissertation, "Bobby Rush, Rise of a Black Panther Politician: The Price of Dissent," on Jul. 25, with his advisor, Elizabeth Faue, and committee members (two of whom earlier served as his advisor) Danielle McGuire, Fran Shor, Michael Goldfield (Political Science), and Jakobi Williams (Indiana University).

Amanda Walter defended her dissertation, "'I've Always Had a Voice, Now I Want to Use It': The Working Women's Movement and Clerical Unionism in Higher Education," on Jul. 24, with her advisor, Elizabeth Faue, and committee members Tracy Neumann, Krista Brumley (Sociology), and Joseph McCartin (Georgetown University).

Joseph McCartin, Tracy Neumann, Amanda Walte, Krista Brumley, and Liz Faue.
Joseph McCartin, Tracy Neumann, Amanda Walte, Krista Brumley, and Liz Faue.

Miriam Mora successfully defended her doctoral dissertation, "From Talking Softly to Carrying a Big Shtick: Jewish Masculinity in Twentieth-Century America," on May 31. Her committee consisted of Professors Howard Lupovitch, Andrew Port, Deborah Dash Moore (UM) and John Bukowczyk (committee chair and adviser).

Miriam Mora with professors
Miriam Mora, John Bukowczyk and Deborah Dash Moore.

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