Meet 2021-2023 peer mentor: Storm White

What is your major and minor?

My major is psychology and my minor is gender, sexuality and women’s studies.

What is one goal you have as a GSW student at Wayne State?

One goal I have is to learn everything I can before I graduate. My current and future, work and life will always include aspects explored in GSW. I want to be well-grounded in the field so that I can be inclusive and knowledgeable about the dynamics shaping gender and sexuality because they are so important to how we live and for the decisions we make.

Why did you become a peer mentor for GSW?

I became a peer mentor because it is a unique way to gain experience in a field I deeply care about. I stayed a peer mentor because, as I worked with students, I came to realize how important it is to have a community of like-minded individuals all working towards a shared, positive experience.

What is one thing students can expect from participating in the GSW Learning Community?

Through the GSW Learning Community, students can expect to find support in all areas. Yes, there is tutoring and academic direction, but there is also a real community here. Students find long-term friends and resources that will help them on their college and life journeys.

What is something you wish students would ask you about to get the most out of a LC experience?

I hope that students ask me about finding their way. Though I don’t know the entire answer, I know that talking to others can help shape your confidence in following your dreams and I hope that I get to help more students do that.

What is one joy or ritual you practice to help you through difficult times?

When I am having a difficult time, I take a day for myself. As I become more of an adult, I am beginning to realize how little time we really have for ourselves. This is why I take a whole day for myself. I don’t work. I don’t study. I just rest. That may be literally sleeping until 4 p.m. or going for a walk downtown until the sun sets or taking myself out to lunch.

Whatever my mind wants at that moment, I try my very best to do it because I’ve found that we usually know what we need to self-soothe. After, I go to sleep at a reasonable time (which is very out of character for me) and wake up the next morning with an intentional extra 20 minutes to myself so that I can mentally prepare to get back to work.