Power couple Lacina and Rozzi chase their passions
Linda Lacina, from Farmington Hills, MI, and David Rozzi, from St Clair Shores, met at Wayne State University during their undergraduate careers in the late ’90s. Lacina, who was an honors student with a double major in English and history, and Rozzi, who was an English major pursuing a minor in film, met during a make-up Phi Betta Kappa meeting. The two grabbed a cup of coffee after the meeting, and have been together ever since.

Rozzi and Lacina are now married and live in New York City. Rozzi is currently the senior director of enterprise technology for the New York Post and the founder of the nowslice. The nowslice is a digital art initiative that provides an open, public space for people to contribute definitions for all things. Lacina is the managing editor and director of special projects for Entrepreneur magazine. However, the two did not get these positions overnight.
Rozzi did not have the traditional college experience - he worked as a factory worker before attending the university. “My love for literature drove me to get my English degree. I absolutely loved studying for English.” He enjoyed Michael Scrivener’s classes while at WSU. Rozzi was a member of Phi Beta Kappa and started his own literary journal with his friends that he would distribute across campus.
After graduating from WSU, Rozzi traveled through Europe. He then came back to Michigan, where his first job after graduation was being a technical writer for Ford Motor Company. Rozzi’s technical writing led him into a career in engineering. “Communication in technology is key. There is a whole skillset within communication that is required in technology - that is sought after - that is to communicate with technologists.” Rozzi’s career has varied from technical writing to engineering, and he is currently, authoring his own book of short stories.

Lacina went to Wayne State directly after high school. She majored in English, with honors, history, with honors, and participated in the university’s honors program. “I have to be a quick study with my current job.
My experience with the honors programs at WSU helped me analyze information quickly, and made me well prepared for my career.” Now, Lacina manages a group of ten editors for Entrepreneur Media and leads special projects.
While at WSU, Lacina wrote multiple pieces for The South End and was a member of Phi Beta Kappa. She joined the forensics team because she wanted to learn about speech writing and see if she had any possible interest in it.
I think it’s best to try to experiment with as many writing styles as possible. When I was in undergrad I always tried to find internships and writing opportunities, I suggest students look into similar opportunities.”
After graduating from WSU, Lacina obtained her first full-time position as a managing editor for the Hometown Communications Network, with the help of her mentor Professor Jack Lessenberry, with whom she still keeps in touch.
Lacina’s advice to current liberal arts students is the following, “Liberal arts majors who are writers almost always have a head start. Whatever that thing is you want to do, put your foot in that interest. Even if it’s working a day job and freelancing at night with whatever your main interest is.”
Rozzi added the following advice, “Always continue to do what you enjoy to do. Don’t be afraid to go into an industry or an area you didn’t think you would originally go into. Allow yourself to be delighted. By its very nature being delighted is being surprised, you can find some of your creative self within that.”