Eight undergraduate majors present papers at local conference

The following eight undergraduate English majors presented papers at the Medieval and Renaissance Studies Consortium undergraduate research conference at Adrian College on March 27:

Keith Bedore, "Erasing the Myth of the Jewish Moneylender"

Amy B. Calmes, "Gender Roles in Shakespeare's The Comedy of Errors"

Tiffany Hudson, "Antonio and his Fair Youth: A Comparison of the Altruistic 'Homosocial' Relationships in Shakespeare's The Merchant of Venice and Sonnet 57"

Katelyn Jedro, "Gone Hunting: A Foray into the Forest with Demetrius and Helena in Shakespeare's A Midsummer Night's Dream"

Martyna Mackiewicz, "Discussion of Gender Identity through Shakespeare's Twelfth Night"

Emily Mangas, "Beowulf's Boasting: A Driving Force"

Steven Remenapp, "Magic Chosen in Reverse: Dr Faustus as a Satiric and Skeptic Exploration into Faith"

Jeanie Smith, "Donne's Body and Soul"

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