Reinstatement policy

Students currently excluded may appeal for reinstatement to the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences (CLAS) after not attending classes at Wayne State University for one calendar year. Not all students who have been excluded will be reinstated. Each reinstatement case is different and thus judged individually, with the committee making its decisions based on academic criteria earned, overall GPA, major GPA and so on.

The committee's primary academic consideration when weighing a reinstatement request is the likelihood of a student going on to graduate. Returning to good academic standing; passing previously failed coursework; raising the overall GPA; these are necessary, but not sufficient, to reach the goal of graduation.

Reinstatement requirements

Students appealing for reinstatement must:

  1. Ensure their Wayne State AccessID is activated and that you have access to Academica. For help, visit
  2. Ensure that you have sent your official transcripts to Wayne State for any coursework completed at another institution during your exclusion from Wayne State.
  3. Choose a CLAS major and declare the major in Academica.
  4. Clear any/all financial holds through the Office of the University Bursar.
  5. Answer the following questions and include any transcripts showing coursework completed since exclusion from WSU. All information must be sent to
    • Legal name
    • Email
    • Phone number
    • WSU ID
    • Last term attended
    • What major are you intending to complete?
    • What degree are you intending to complete (B.A. or B.S.)?
    • What have you been doing since your last term at WSU?
    • What has changed to make you a more successful student and what are you planning to do differently? (Attending community college, self-study, etc.)
    • Why should you be reinstated to CLAS?

Application window to apply for reinstatement

  • Fall term: May 1 Jul. 1
  • Winter term: Sept. 1 through Nov. 1

After reinstatement

Reinstated students will be provisionally readmitted to CLAS. The provisional period encompasses the first two terms after reinstatement. During this period students must:

  • Register for a maximum of eight credits.
  • Register for classes that complete a major, minor, CLAS or general education requirement.
  • Complete at least one major requirement, unless the student has already completed all requirements for the declared major.
  • Achieve a C+ or better in each of the enrolled courses.

Upon meeting these conditions, the student will be fully readmitted to CLAS. Failure to meet any of the reinstatement conditions will result in permanent exclusion.

For more information, please contact