Academic self-assessment

In an effort to help you improve your academic performance, please complete, print and bring this assessment to your first appointment with your advisor. The completed version will be emailed to you after submission.

Fields with asterisks (*) are required.

Class/study concerns that apply to past semesters.
Class/study concerns that may continue to affect your ability to do well in your courses.
Family/social adjustments that apply to past semesters.
Family/social adjustment that may continue to affect your ability to well in courses.
Career/major issues that apply to past semesters.
Career/major issues that may continue to affect your ability to do well in your courses.
Other person issues that apply to past semesters.
Other person issues that may continue to affect your ability to do well in your courses.

Study skills assessment

For each item, select the best choice that best applies to your past semester(s).

I completed reading assignments before the lecture or discussion classes for which these topics were intended to be presented for preparation.
I reviewed lecture notes on the *same day* as the lecture in order to annotate them with remembered details, consult the text for clarification and write down questions for which I intended to seek help.
I used my professor's and/or TA's office hours to get answers to questions or to just generally improve my understanding of the concepts.
I took advantage of campus resources such as Academic Success Center (ASC), tutoring, supplemental instruction (SI), workshop(s), Writing Center and/or Math Resource Center.
I depended on last minute cramming. For example, I began to study for quizzes/exam on the day of or the night before they were scheduled.
I typically waited until just before an exam was scheduled (e.g., two to three days before the test) before reading textbooks or reviewing lecture notes.
I seemed to review the wrong material for quizzes and tests. I was not clear about what material would be covered.
I seemed to prepare in the wrong ways for quizzes and tests. I thought I knew the material, but could not catch onto either the questions and/or answers.