Cameron Porter standing in front of Old Main

Q&A with Cameron Porter: Global studies student and future international trifecta

Cameron Porter is a senior studying global studies with a double minor in Spanish and pre-law. She’s currently working at the Detroit Institute of Arts as a visitor experience associate. We caught up with Porter to discuss why she chose Wayne State’s global studies program and her career plans.

What made you chose global studies as a major?

Global studies was the closest field of study to international relations that Wayne State offers. I have a strong passion for humanitarian aid and providing equal resources to those in need around the world. I discovered my passion while on two service trips to the Dominican Republic. While I was there, I taught English as a second language and helped build a community garden at the local elementary school. 

How did you choose your minors?

Since my concentration in global studies is Latin American studies as well as East Asian studies, Spanish plays a big role in making my studies less broad and focusing on specific areas of the world like Latin America and Spain. The pre-law minor helps me learn more about the American judicial system to better help me compare it with other governments cross-nationally.

Tell us more about your areas of concentration

Global studies are a very broad field of study and it helped to better guide my class selection if I focused on certain areas I cared about. East Asian culture is very different from American culture and same for Latin American culture. So, focusing on those two areas helped give a better wholistic outlook on the world. 

Why did you want to work at the Detroit Institute of Arts?

I love art and I have been going to the DIA since I was little. Since my major doesn’t have a lot of creative expression, I’m happy to be involved with such an amazing resource for the community. I also wanted to be exposed to the visitors from all around the world coming to experience the museum. I see thousands of different people a day that come from all over. I am exposed to different cultures every day, and I get to practice my language skills. 

What is your favorite class?

My favorite class right now is my international development economics class. I’m learning a lot about how to assess and analyze each nation’s level of development and how the institutional structure of each nation is comparative in nature and can always be improved!

What are your plans for after graduation?

I plan to return to the Dominican Republic to teach English for a year. I’ll go through the same company as before. I would also like to teach in South Korea as well if possible. After that, I would like to return to school and study international law. I ultimately want to be able to help each respective country with foreign policy and the humanitarian aid that they may need.

Any advice for future global studies Warriors?

You should find an area of the world that you care for or are passionate about and concentrate on that. It will help alleviate the stress that comes with picking classes. Also pick a language or two that fit into your concentration and find a job that relates to global society or exposes you to other areas of the world.

By Nia K. Moore, Wayne State CLAS public relations associate