Meet William Alexander, sociology/spanish major
Will Alexander is pursuing a degree in Spanish language, literature and culture with a minor in sociology. He is president of the Wayne State Student Senate, a third-year resident advisor and a Ronald E. McNair Scholar.
Will has the distinction of being the only Student Senate president elected to serve a second term. He is also the first openly gay president and successfully lobbied for Wayne State to hire a full-time LGBTQA coordinator in the Office of Multicultural Student Engagement through the Diversity & Inclusion Project Group, which he chaired while serving as president. He will also be in charge of the Academic Services & Teaching Excellence Committee on Student Senate this year where he will lobby to improve the course schedule, priority scheduling, general education requirements and the advising experience.
He is currently working on a quantitative research project with Assistant Professor, Dr. David Merolla.

"Sociology here at Wayne State University has opened many doors for me as a first-generation college student. Having the opportunity to conduct undergraduate research with Dr. David Merolla from sociology will ultimately prepare me to continue my studies in Graduate school for Higher Education Student Affairs/ Administration.
The Minor in Sociology is flexible and has tons of classes for students to choose from. Due to current issues in the media, I would like to study racism and classism in America and how they affect our educational system, and having a minor in sociology will enable me to explore these topics from a sociological point of view. "