Amanda smiling

Meet Amanda Levitt, c/o 2013


Bachelor of Arts in Sociology and Gender, Sexuality and Women's studies.

Why did you choose sociology as your major?

I had been working as an activist before I started at Wayne State and was taking classes in the GSW program when I decided to declare sociology as my co-major. I've been interested in social issues for a really long time but never thought I could apply my activism to scholarship.

Where are you currently working or attending graduate school?

I'm currently a graduate student at Wayne State in the Sociology department. I haven't decided what I want to do once I get my master’s, but I may take time off before getting a Ph.D. or work in human services in some way.

How have you used your sociology courses/background in the real world?

I've been able to incorporate my coursework with my activism really well. The work I do is really all about applying sociological theory to better understand social issues, so while I've been an activist longer than I've been at Wayne State, my work has only gotten better. I'm able to better understand specific issues that come up while helping people through crises and think about how similar issues have been addressed in the past.

What is some advice you can offer to future and current undergraduate sociology students?

Use the courses to figure out what you love about sociology or what issues are really important to you. They can help you figure out what area of research you are interested in if you plan on going to graduate school, or they can help you decide how you want to apply your degree in your chosen career.