Students Participate in Master's Showcase

Sociology Master's students Salam Aboulhassan, Kathleen Gersky, Christina Miller-Bellor and Amanda Levitt participated in the Inaugural Master's Student Showcase on April 8, 2015 at McGregor Conference Center. The showcase included poster presentations, oral presentations and an elevator pitch contest. Several Sociology faculty, teaching assistants and PhD students were judges. William Charles Jackson a recent Sociology PhD graduate (December 2014) was one of the elevator pitch judges.

Amanda Levitt took second place in the oral presentation with "Trolled in the Digital Age: The framing of fat bodies on social media" and Kathleen Gersky won third place for her poster presentation "Growing Individuals and Communities Through Community Gardens." A short video of the event is at right; and you can view Amanda Levitt's entire award winning oral presentation by clicking here.

Congratulations to all that participated.

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