Sociology students exhibit at 5th Annual Graduate Exhibition

Three graduate students displayed their work at the 5th Annual Graduate Exhibition on Tuesday, March 18, 2014.

Jennifer Haskin, Kaleema Sumareh and Anabel Stoeckle. Anabel won an award for her poster "Framing Surrogacy in Advice Columns" which was presented by Dean Mathur and President Wilson.

President M. Roy Wilson with Anabel Stoeckle.
Kaleema Annie Sumareh with her Poster, "Marriage or Nonmarriage: Operationalizing Family Effects in Research on Disability and Functioning Among Older African American Women."
Anabel Stoeckle discussing her poster.
Jennifer Haskin discusses her Poster, "The Intersections of Beauty Work, Paid Work, and Motherhood Work for Career-Oriented Women with Young Children."

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