Sociology Ph.D. candidate Charles Bell featured on Detroit Public TV

The Department of Sociology congratulates Ph.D. candidate Charles Bell for his feature in a recent Detroit Public TV program, "Pathways to Prison: A One Detroit Special Report."

This in-depth documentary explores the numerous factors contributing to mass incarceration in both the State of Michigan and the United States.

Bell and others explore scholastic, economic, social and political circumstances that have resulted in alarmingly high incarceration numbers in state and federal prisons.

Charles Bell is a student in the Wayne State University Department of Sociology and he also teaches courses focused on sociological trends like the "pathway to prison" discussed in the documentary video.

In the documentary, Bell examines statistics from Michigan schools and sheds light on environmental challenges unique to an urban atmosphere. He believes it is critical for law enforcement, parents, educators and administrators to recognize the presence and importance of these unique issues.

He asserts that it is vital for educators, administrators and law enforcement to take these circumstances into account when examining student behavior, relationship to instructors, methods of discipline and impact on student futures.

View the full documentary

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