Sociology joins the Learning Community
The Department of Sociology has joined the Wayne State University Learning Community offering "Sociology 4 Pre Meds." This learning community will provide pre-medical students with the knowledge of sociology and how it relates to health and health outcomes, a new part of the MCAT. Students will participate in seminars related to health, including the opportunity to participate in discussions with medical students, and physicians in panel discussions. Dr. Janet Hankin will teach the Fall 2015 LC course - SOC 2000.
Joining Dr. Hankin are four peer mentors, pictured left to right: Latifa Dourra, Fatima Eid, Christopher Crabb and Aashna Sahi who will act as liaison between students and faculty, and provide support, guidance to students in learning. They will host meetings for academic development, study groups and community building. These four outstanding students have been selected as peer mentors based on their academic excellence. They will hold scheduled office hours in room 2254, Faculty Administration Building.