Paula Ross wins the Chow-Green Scholarship and a Blue Cross Blue Shield Dissertation Scholarship

We are happy to announce that Paula Ross, a PhD Candidate in Sociology, has won two very important dissertation scholarships during Summer 2012. A Blue Cross Blue Shield Dissertation Scholarship will help her offset actual expenses associated with her dissertation research on the reproductive experiences of African American women living with sickle cell disease, and a prestigious Chow-Green Scholarship (formerly known as the Women of Color Dissertation Scholarship) from the organization, Sociologists for Women in Society (SWS), will help her spend more uninterrupted time on her dissertation during the 2012-2013 school year. Paula was presented with the Chow-Green Scholarship at the SWS meetings in Denver, CO, on August 19, 2012. Only one Chow-Green Scholarship is given by SWS each year so this is truly an honor for Paula and the Department of Sociology. Congratulations!

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