Lendrum Presents at Netherlands University

Jenny Lendrum, PhD Candidate and Graduate Teaching Assistant, was invited to speak at Delft University of Technology in the Netherlands to present at the Program Economic & Social Research Council (ESRC) Seminar Conference: Entrepreneurial Neighbourhoods. Lendrum presented a talk entitled "Detroit's Informal Economy: Neighborhood Networks and Spatial Arrangements" to an international group of conference participants on September 9, 2015. The seminar is a joint initiative from researchers from the Universities of St. Andrews, Glasgow, Middlesex and Delft centered on the theoretical considerations and empirical research on the community and/or neighborhood context of entrepreneurship.

Lendrum's paper, part of her dissertation research and part of a larger project with Dr. Sarah Swider, has been accepted for publication as a chapter in a forthcoming book in the Entrepreneurship, Space and Place series of Elward Elgar Publishers (EEP).

In addition, Lendrum has been named the new Managing Editor for Gender & Society journal. Gender & Society, a top-ranked journal in both sociology and women studies, is a peer-reviewed journal focused on the study of gender. It is the official journal of Sociologists for Women in Society. Lendrum started the position September 1, 2015. Congratulations Jenny.

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