Dr. Sarah Swider Invited to China

Assistant Professor Dr. Sarah Swider was recently invited to China to present her work at several universities as well as meet with senior scholars, labor leaders and members of NGOs as part of her going research on China. Dr. Swider participated as a delegate for the ASA - Labor and Labor Section Scholarly Exchange at the Beijing University of Technology in late December, 2014. She met with the representatives of the China Association of Work and Labor (CAWL) of the Chinese Sociological Association at the Institute of Sociology and later with the Dean of College of Humanities and Social Sciences at the Beijing University of Technology to discuss future collaborative research and also scholarly exchange programs. She gave a talk on January 6, 2015 at the South China Normal University in Guangzhou where she will return in the summer to continue her joint research with former Wayne State University visiting scholar Dr. Linaqing Peng. Dr. Swider also attended the International Symposium on "Social Protection for Migrant Workers: The Experience of East Asia and the Challenges Facing China," on January 10, 2015 at The City University of Hong Kong.

During her trip she met with representatives of the Ford Foundation in China. She recently was appointed as the Principal Investigator for China on a large multi-country Ford Foundation funded project entitled "Informal Construction and Domestic Work: Collaborative Research on Institutional Influences in Job Quality" that will provide more support and important connections for her ongoing research.

Dr. Swider with Chinese and American Labor Sociologists at Beijing University of Technology

Dr. Swider with Guangzhou University professors of Social Science including the Dean of Public Administration, Professor Tan Chen and the Director of the Guangzhou Social Work Research Center, Dr. Jungui Xie

With colleagues at South China Normal University

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