Doctoral students Savard and Stoeckle receive awards at graduate exhibition

Wayne State congratulations to Ph.D. candidates, Anabel Stoeckle and Dennis Savard, both of whom received awards at the 6th Annual Graduate Exhibition.

Stoeckle received a first place award with her poster presentation "'Wombs for Rent': Implications of Surrogacy for the Reconceptualization of Labor and Body," and Savard received a third place award with "The Gender Gap in Violent Victimizations: The Role of Public Locales."

Also participating was Ph.D. candidate, Kaleema Sumareh, who presented "Collective Human Agency and Social Movement Activism: Exploring Activists' Framing of Welfare Rights as Human Rights."

The day-long event, which was open to the public and included an employer panel, showcased the passion, intensity and diversity of scholarship of approximately 90 Wayne State doctoral students. Associate Dean, Ken Jackson, presented the awards to students.

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