Delays and debacles: Framing of the Affordable Care Act in newspaper headlines

Janet Hankin, professor and chair in the Department of Sociology, together with Deborah Charbonneau, assistant professor in the School of Library and Information Science and Sandra L. King, M.S.A. and sociology Ph.D. Candidate presented their research examining six major newspapers' coverage of the Affordable Care Act (ACA) and the media framing of health issues as presented to the public through these newspaper sources.

Their preliminary findings focus on the newspaper headlines and the papers' depiction of the ACA during the initial open enrollment period on beginning October 2013 through March 2014. They also discussed the implications of the newspaper coverage on the ACA and health care reform.

Dr. Walter F. Edwards, Director of the Humanities Center (Back-Center) greeted Deborah Charbonneau, Janet Hankin and Sandra L. King.
Dr. Walter F. Edwards, Director of the Humanities Center (Back-Center) greeted
Deborah Charbonneau, Janet Hankin and Sandra L. King

The presentation took place as part of the Humanities Center Brown Bag Colloqium Series on October 22, 2014.

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