2018 graduate award for excellence in teaching call for applications
This award is in memory of Kaleema Sumareh, a doctoral student in the Department of Sociology at Wayne State University from 2012 to 2016. Dr. Sumareh was passionate about promoting social justice and instilling the sociological imagination in the classroom and beyond. Her research on social activism in Detroit reflected her commitment to public sociology.
This $500 award honors her legacy as a teacher, scholar, mentor, and poet. The award provides recognition for graduate students who have made outstanding contributions to teaching.
Sociology graduate students who have at least two years of teaching experience at Wayne State University. Students can apply for this award by submitting a teaching portfolio. The portfolio must be no more than 10 pages and include a statement of teaching philosophy (e.g., pedagogy, goals, objectives, evaluation methods), a summary table of SET scores from all courses taught at WSU (use template provided), sample syllabi, sample course assignments that reflect the teaching philosophy, and curriculum vitae.
To apply, students should submit an electronic version of the documentation to Dr. Krista Brumley, Director of Graduate Studies, Department of Sociology at kbrumley@wayne.edu.
Important: The deadline for submissions is March 1, 2018.
Please use the subject heading "Teaching Award" when submitting your work via email. The winner will be presented the award at the annual Sociology Student Award Day on Thursday, April 19, 2018.