Two Psychology Faculty Receive 2015 CLAS Teaching Awards

Lee Wurm, Department of Psychology

Professor Wurm excels both as a classroom teacher and a mentor to undergraduates in his lab. Regularly offering some of the more challenging courses in his discipline, such as statistics, he inspires strong attachment from his students. One wrote that he had never worked harder or learned more from any instructor. In addition to heavy M.A. and Ph.D. supervision, Wurm also brings undergraduates into his lab, where they learn the joys - and sometimes frustrations - of advanced independent inquiry. His lofty SET scores bespeak an unwavering commitment to excellence, which is matched by his openness and availability to students.

Emily Grekin, Department of Psychology

Emily Grekin stands out in a department known for its superb teaching and deep investment in providing each student with a rich research experience. Upon arriving at Wayne State, she revamped the undergraduate seminar for advanced psychology majors and has worked tirelessly with undergraduates in her research program.

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