News and announcements
- Graduate student accomplishments 2018
- Doug Barnett discusses no-spanking zones with the Detroit Free Press
- Valerie Simon receives grant to study interpersonal violence
- Mark Lumley receives research grant for chronic musculoskeletal pain
- Provost Keith Whitfield is named the 2018 Robert W. Kleemeier Award winner
- Getting to know Sheldon Lachman
- Psychology alum wins distinguished award
- Lachman lecture 2018
- Psychology undergrads invited to join Phi Beta Kappa
- Clinical student Daisy Tsang and co-authors win poster competition
- Professor Annmarie Cano: The Power of Academic Role Models "Like Me"
- Graduate student Gavin Sanders awarded research grant
- Clinical grad student Robert Kanser wins first place in TCN/AACN Student Project Competition
- Scott Bowen selected to receive 2018 President's Teaching Award
- Two psychology graduate students win awards at three minute thesis
- Psychological treatments for fibromyalgia: A new approach
- Boris Baltes part of research team receiving award
- Psychology Major/Wayne State Staff member wins Spirit of Detroit Award
- Annmarie Cano Publishes Op-Ed in The Cronicle of Higher Education
- Undergraduate advisors receive awards in service
- Beyond the News: Assoc. dean examines relationship between chronic pain and romance
- Psychology professor discusses what experts know about men who rape
- Laura Crespo Awarded APA Dissertation Research Award
- CPGSO hosts successful Poverty Matters Symposium
- Sam Zilioli Receives $568,000 NIJ Grant