November 2018 graduate student accomplishments
Peer-reviewed publications
Lingfei Tang
Johnson, E. L., Tang, L., Yin, Q., Asano E., Ofen, N. (2018). Direct brain recordings reveal the prefrontal cortex dynamics of memory development. Science Advances.
Progovac, L., Rakhlin, N. V., Angell, W., Liddane, R., Tang, L., & Ofen, N. (2018). Neural correlates of syntax and proto-syntax: evolutionary dimension. Frontiers in Psychology, 9, 2415.
Andrew Tenbrink and Georgia LaMarre
Brown, S. G., Tenbrink, A. P., & LaMarre, G. (2019). Performance while distracted: The effect of cognitive styles and working memory. Personality and Individual Differences, 138, 380-384
Lama Hassoun Ayoub
Sugarman, D. B., Nation, M., Yuan, N. P., Kuperminc, G. P., Hassoun Ayoub, L., & Hamby, S. (2018). Hate and violence: Addressing discrimination based on race, ethnicity, religion, sexual orientation, and gender identity. Psychology of Violence, 8(6), 649-656.
Michael Schwendeman, Caitlynn Reich, Andrew Tenbrink, and Sydney Siver
Speer, A. B., Schwendeman, M. G., Reich, C. C., Tenbrink, A. P., & Siver, S. R. (in press). Investigating the Construct Validity of Performance Comments: Creation of the Great Eight Narrative Dictionary. Journal of Business and Psychology, available online.
Dana Albright and Nick Seivert
Syzmanski,T., Casey, R.J., Cano, A., Johnson, A.R., Albright, D. & Seivert, N.P. Dog training intervention shows the social-cognitive change in the journals of incarcerated youth, Frontiers of Veterinary Medicine, 5(302), 119. doi10.3389/fvets.2018.00302
Note: First author Tiffany Syzmanski is a recent honors psychology undergrad at WSU.
Jessica Hayes and Ray Viviano
van Rooden S, van den Berg-Huysmans AA, Croll PH, Labadie G, Hayes JM, Viviano RP, van der Grond J, Rombouts SA, Damoiseaux JS, (2018). Subjective cognitive decline is associated with greater white matter hyperintensity volume. Journal of Alzheimer's Disease, 1-12.
Julia Briskin
Sbarra, D. A., Briskin, J. L., & Slatcher, R. B. (in press). Smartphones and close relationships: The case for an evolutionary mismatch. Perspectives on Psychological Science.
White paper publication
Young, S., Glazer, J., & Siver, S. (2018). Problem Employees: Identify and manage them before they impact your business and career. White paper, published by Center for Creative Leadership, Greensboro, NC.
Conference talks
Chela Wallin
Wallin CM., & Brummelte S. (2018). Improving Translational Animal Models of Perinatal Drug Exposure" A "mentor-mentee" talk presented at the International Perinatal Brain and Behavior Network Meeting, San Diego, CA
Bethany Pester
Pester, B. The social context of pain: Do empathic responses from loved ones reduce acute pain? The inaugural Michigan Health Psychology Symposium. (Livonia, MI, November 2018).
*Talk won $75 award.
Poster presentations
Masters defense
Rebecca Campbell: Memory Performance Indexes from the Fuld Object Memory Evaluation in Centenarians and Octogenarians.
Dissertation defense
Kelsey Sala-Hamrick: The Protective Role of Parenting Behaviors in the Development of African American Adolescents
Other accomplishments
Kelsey Sala-Hamrick was awarded the Outstanding Student Contributions Award by the Association of Psychologists in Academic Health Centers (APAHC).
Sarah Patrick, Ciara Cannoy, Danny Mulligan, Shaylin Excell, Bridget Murphy, and Bethany Pester (representing the Clinical Psychology GSO) volunteered to provide depression screening for Detroit's homeless population at the Northeast Guidance Center's Day of Restoration. The students provided mental health screening and counseling resources to over 118 men and women.