January 2019 graduate student accomplishments
Peer-reviewed publications
Reed Bramble and Emma Duerk
Bramble, R., Duerk, E., Baltes, B. (In Press). Finding the Nuance in Eldercare Measurement: Latent Profiles of Eldercare Characteristics. Journal of Business and Psychology.
Jennifer Kott
Kott, J.M., Brummelte S (2019): Trick or Treat? Evaluating contributing factors and sex-differences for the developmental effects of maternal depression and its treatment. Hormones and Behavior (in press).
Davia Steinberg
Steinberg, D. B., Smith-Darden, J. P., Simon, V. A., Victor, B. G., Kernsmith, P. D. (in press). Onset trajectories of sexting and other sexual behaviors across high school: A longitudinal growth mixture modeling approach. Archives of Sexual Behavior.
Jami Pittman
Sheffer, C.E., Lunden, S.E., Pittman, J.C., Prashad, N. (2018). Cognitive, behavioral, and situational influences on relapse to smoking after group treatment for tobacco dependence. Frontiers in Psychology, section Clinical and Health Psychology. DOI: 10.3389/fpsyg.2018.02756
Conference presentations
Davia Steinberg and Jami Pittman
Steinberg, D. B., Simon, V. A., Joanne, S. P., Kernsmith, P. D. (March 2019). Predictors of early sexting onset in adolescence. To be presented at the 2019 Society for Research in Child Development Biennial Meeting, Baltimore, MD.
Steinberg, D. B., Pittman J.C., Simon, V. A. (March 2019). Interpersonal Violence Exposure as a Predictor of Early Romantic and Sexual Experiences. To be presented at the 2019 International Society for the Study of Women's Sexual Health (ISSWSH) and the International Society for Sexual Medicine (ISSM) Joint Meeting, Atlanta, GA.
Masters defenses
Caitlynn Reich: Perceptions of obese leaders in the workplace: The mediating effect of attractiveness.
Sabrina Bierstetel: Couples' Behavior During Conflict in the Lab and Diurnal Cortisol Patterns in Daily Life.
Dissertation defense
Robert Kanser: The Eyes Never Lie: Detecting Simulated Traumatic Brain Injury with Eye-Tracking.
Other accomplishments
Amber Sepsey and Isabel Cantarella were awarded summer dissertation fellowships by the Wayne State Graduate School.
Laura Pineault was awarded the 2019 Garrett T. Heberlein Excellence in Teaching Award for Graduate Students.
Rumble Fellowship
The following students were awarded Rumble Fellowships for the 2019-20 academic year: Samantha Brindley, Wesley Starnes, Bridget Murphy, Sarah Wilhoit, Jolin Yamin, Lauren Radigan, Cameron Davidson, and Chela Wallin.
Betty J. Neitzel summer research award
The following students were given the Betty J. Neitzel summer research award: Ray Viviano, Wesley Starnes, Sabrina Bierstetel, and Jeremy Grant.