Integrated care program offers mental health when and where children need it

Many members of our department are doing great things in research, teaching, clinical work and service. So we're taking this opportunity to share a story published in the "About Children" newsletter of the Children's Hospital of Michigan Foundation.

Professor Doug Barnett has had ongoing funding from this foundation and more recently from HRSA (Health Resources and Services Administration of the federal government) to develop, implement and administer a training/service/research program at the General Pediatric and Adolescent Medicine Clinic of Children's Hospital of Michigan.

WSU faculty and Children's Hospital of Michigan FoundationOver the years, Doug has funded a number of our clinical psychology graduate students to receive training there (pictured are current trainees Fred Upton, Andrew Heitzer, Lilia Mucka, Patty Richardson and Hasti Raveau) and he has hired several of our alumni as supervisors (pictured are Jackie Issner and Lilly Jacobson).

The program also reaches across our campus, involving social workers and their trainees, trainees from the school psychology, pediatricians and others.

We visited the program recently to deliver a continuing education lecture and were very impressed by their enthusiasm, great training and vital services that they are providing to so many citizens of our community.

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