Dr. Lisa Rapport named associate editor of prestigious neuropsychology journal

The Journal of Clinical and Experimental Neuropsychology has named Lisa Rapport, Ph.D., professor of psychology in the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences at Wayne State University, associate editor.

Rapport, a member of Wayne State's faculty since 1993, focuses her research on the value of neuropsychological assessment in predicting clinically relevant outcomes such as risk for accident, community integration and the quality of interpersonal relationships. In addition, she examines the properties of tests to improve their validity and refine understanding of their limitations. Much of her research is based on longitudinal outcomes of people with traumatic brain injury (TBI). A recent project completed in her lab in conjunction with a doctoral student found that if TBI survivors feel close to a higher power, it can help them rehabilitate.

The Journal of Clinical and Experimental Neuropsychology publishes research on the neuropsychological consequences of brain disease, disorder and dysfunction, and aims to promote the integration of theories, methods and research findings in clinical and experimental neuropsychology.

"This is a prestigious honor for Dr. Rapport, and most deserving," said Hilary Ratner, Ph.D., vice president for research at Wayne State. "Her judgment and dedication to the field of neuropsychology and maintaining the highest scientific standards will be invaluable to the journal."

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