Clinical Graduate Student Kudos

The following students successfully defended their dissertations during this past year (Sept, 06 to present) and completed their internships, thus graduating from our program. Current positions, if known, are listed as well. Way to go, fellow Doctors!
Emanuel Van Bolden (Center for Child Study, Wayne County Court)
Kristen Loeher (post-doc at U of Michigan)
Debra Macklem (post-doc at MSU / Flint Area Consortium)
Alicia (Shapinsky) Crossland
Aimee (Rustman) Kotrba (Beaumont Hospital)
Amanda (Schaefer) Johnson (post-doc at MSU / Flint Area Consortium)
Angela (Gustafson) DeBastos (post-doc at Boston Children's Hospital)
Kelly Ryan (post-doc at U of Michigan)
Mason Haber (post-doc at U of South Florida)
Sawssan Ahmed (post-doc at UCLA Department of Family of Medicine)

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